If your interested in the Chiefs, please click on box above and fill out player inquiry form.

3/24 Roster Spots Available

12U AAA: 1 Forward & 1 Defenseman

12U AA: 1 Forward or 1 Defenseman

10U AAA: 1 Forward or 1 Defenseman

10U A: 1 Forward & 1 Defenseman

8U Full Ice: 2017 or 2018 Skater

Brandon Johnson
(860) 614-9480 cell

*Click on Team for Description & Coaches*

Youth Teams
*Click on Team for Description & Coaches Bios*

14U (2011)
13U (2012)
12U (2013)
12U AA Red (2013)
11U (2014)
10U (2015)
10U Red (2015,2016)
9U (2016)
8U (2017) CT Indians FULL ICE
8U Red (2017,2018)
7U (2018,2019)
Mini-Mites (2018,2019,2020)

*Please note CT Indians are not affiliated with CTH0110*

*Click on Team for Description*

Beast Hockey Series
2024-01-15_15-36-50 CHC